Content | From survival expert Jason Hunt comes the go-to training resource for anyone concerned about the biblical last days. The Gospel of Survival teaches you about God's plan to be prepared for tough times. The author's years of experience and training will equip you to train your family and friends in a variety of practical survival skills from wilderness and winter survival to home preparedness and urban survival strategies. | Camp Cooking covers it all: from meat, to fish, to vegetables, baked goods and sauces. Fred Bouwman explains it all in easy-to-follow steps. This information has been tested and retested in the field. Much of it is just not available anywhere else and Bouwman lets his expertise run wild here. Chapters include information on building campfires that are serviceable for cooking, selecting the best camp stove, utensils, and how to pack and carry a camp "kitchen." Bouwman also looks at the myths and the facts of safe water purification while camping, and teaches methods for safely purifying your water supply. The book closes with a great section on selecting using the wide selection of foods available to today's camper.
| Illustrated with full-color photographs accompanying easy-to-follow instructions, this unique collection utilizes the best that the online community has to offer, a mammoth database churning out ideas to make life better, easier, and, in this case, greener.
Here are fun, useful projects designed to get you thinking creatively about going green. Let the Instructables team illustrate just how simple it can be to make your own backyard chicken coop or turn a wine barrel into a rainwater collector.
Here, you will learn to:
- Clip a chicken’s wings
- Power your lawn mower with solar power
- Create a chicken tractor for the city
- Water your garden with solar power
- Build a thermoelectric lamp
- Create an algae bioreactor from water bottles
- And much more!
Get started today—making your life greener. Get off the grid!
| With a Swiss Army Knife in your pocket and a copy of "Outdoors with Your Pocket Knife" in your pack, you have everything you need to create a fun, safe, and adventurous wilderness camp. This compact, comprehensive guide shows you how to develop your outdoor skills with simple, clear instructions. From ideas on how to use natural materials to carve cutlery and bowls, to tips on weaving your own plates, this is the ultimate manual for self-sufficiency and survival skills. It even offers suggestions for cooking over a fire, featuring ingenious recipes like chicken roasted on a water-operated grill skewer. With engaging activities for all ages, essential safety rules, and knife application techniques, everyone who is wild at heart should have a copy of this book.
| 21 Essential Knots for Everyday Use Indoors or Outdoors! This compact little reference book includes knots for a wide range of functions, from home to work, hobby to play activities. No knot-tying jargon is used, no baffling technical terms--just simple step-by-step instructions and outstandingly clear line drawings. It's the perfectly portable knot reference for anyone--scouts, sailors, hunters, anglers, gardeners, farmers, horse riders, you name it! Among the knots in this book are: Overhand knot, Heaving line knot Reef knot, Sheetbend Fisherman's knot, Figure-of-eight loop, Bowline Three-part crown, Sheepshank Half-hitch, Clove hitch, Constrictor knot, Pile hitch, Highwayman's hitch, Waggoner's hitch, Timber hitch, Double-loop knot, Uni-knot, Blood knot, Square lashing, and more! Start learning these useful and practical knots today.
| Learn How to Start a Fire, Even When It Seems Impossible!
Since the dawn of mankind, fire has been a staple of survival. Whether it is used to keep warm, cook food, or scare away predators, fire is an essential element, one that is almost impossible for humans to live without. But with society's current dependence on modern tools and technology, many persons would have no idea how to start a fire without matches or a lighter. In an emergency situation, a lack of knowledge about it could easily prove fatal.
In Guide to Making Fire without Matches, survival expert Christopher Nyerges provides readers with all the skills that they may need to start a fire without modern tools. The book begins by covering the history and lore surrounding fire, and then moves on to describe, in detail, the four main methods through which fire is made: friction, the sun, electricity, and chemistry. Additional topics include:
How to make a fire in the rain
The best locations to build a fire
Safety precautions to take when around fire
How to tend your fire
How to make a signal fire
Different ways to cook with fire
And much more!
With helpful diagrams, illustrations, and sidebars, Guide to Making Fire without Matches is the ultimate reference book for learning about an essential element.